Testimonials Continued

Dear sirs,

I got sick in India in 1989 and it never really could be diagnosed although experts thought it was either a retro-virus, parasite or weird bacteria. Still not well but making good progress now.

Is it possible for you to rush ship me two more bottles of the product just as you did with the first bottle two weeks ago as the first bottle has begun to turn around a 14 year long illness that nothing else has helped. I am back on my feet and my doctor wants me to take two more asap. If you can, I am deeply grateful.

Best Wishes,

Jed Scott Swift
Ohio, USA


Email 1:

Thank you for the product. It truly does work miracles. When I received my one vial, I not only checked myself but others. All balanced, including my Parkinson's disease. I give thanks for your work.

Best regards,

Ruth F. Clark
Texas, USA


Email 2:

In 1990 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Mainly I have been able to control these illnesses with Computerized Electro Dermal Screening (CEDS), vitamins and a variety of treatments from Dr. Linda Martin, DO (alternative medicine). Neuro Cranial Restructuring has been very helpful (check the internet under Dr. Dean Howell www.drdeanhowell.com).

Yesterday after Dr. Martin checked me and herself on CEDS I took the product I also I tested 4 other reliable persons and they balanced. Today I have taken no remedies for allergies, biological's, pathogens, Parkinson's or thyroid. And my tests are normal. I will continue to monitor my system, but I am very optimistic. In fact after my long struggle to live, I feel now that after discovering the product all of us are capable of being healthy and not with pharmaceutical drugs.

Best regards,

Ruth F. Clark
Texas, USA


Email 3:

The product has done its work with parasites, polarity, biological warfare, viruses, bacteria, Candida and even Parkinson's disease. My guess is that these organs are still being bombarded with Geopathic Stress, Inversion Air and Atmospheric conditions, so they need a boost with alternative medicine to achieve a more normal function. Hopefully my immune system will improve. But I am not complaining. Having all the free radicals under control is amazing to me.

Tomorrow I plan to order three more of the product, one for a friend and the other two for me to keep in my refrigerator to test others as the word spreads about the help the Crocodile is giving to humanity. Again I must comment that testing with CEDS (Computerized Electro Dermal Screening) is proof that the product works. Otherwise I would not be able to furnish on site proof of success.

Best regards,

Ruth F. Clark
Texas, USA


Manna Sachet

April 28th, 2011

Hello Thomas,

I just came back to the US after a very joyful stay in Kenya doing my graduate research work.
I also had enough time to spend with my extended family and friends something I had missed dearly.

I am glad to let you know that my friend is doing well. Still on medication for HIV and although she hasn’t been able to get all the good things you had recommended, she remains hopeful that things will work out.

Honestly I can’t thank you enough for opening up a new world to me, that probably would never have known about. I am now a firm believer in holistic approach to health. I eat well and I feel good, that sluggish feeling is long gone and I am slowly losing some extra pounds I had long attributed to babies and had resigned myself to living with.

God bless,


The product is genuine and can stand up to any test made in a laboratory with the proper facilities to perform such tests.